WHO ARe we?
The Company was formed on07/01/2008 as Non-profit Corporation under Florida state laws and headed by Robert & Glynda Gordon. We have successfully been offering Weekly Worship Services to the visiting tourists near International Drive for all of these 10 years. We have been providing quality and affordable childcare and preschool services for the hospitality members on International Drive for more than 6 years.
Our Mission
To Serve The Working & Visiting International Drive Community through Added Value Services such as: Affordable Preschool Services, Child Drop-In Services, After Hour Childcare, After School Programs for Children, Weekly Bible Studies & Worship Services, Counseling Services, Job Placement Services, AA/NA/SA Anonymous Meeting Services, and Fighting Human Trafficking on International Drive.
We foster cross-denominational activities and training such as prayer walking for the Heavenly Blessings upon all businesses as well as visitors from around the world to encounter the one true living God during their visits. We are also in the process of forming a world-wide renown training and discipling school preparing all churches to defragment thus becoming a One-Body church of one mind.
OUR vision
Our vision to be an efficient catalytic force that forges a unity of the faith within all Christian denominations, bringing them into alignment and agreement with the central core of the gospel, as one-body, one church, one faith!
As we expand, we would like to enhance our preschool services to extended hours which today are from 7am-6:30pm to 6am-11pm. We would also like to expand our services by adding "After-School Programs" such as Homework Assistance, Taekwondo, & Arts.
Concerning the expansion of our Ministry Services, we would like to expand the services by adding counseling, job placement services, AA/NA/SA Anonymous Meeting Services, and an overall increased effort in the fight against Human Trafficking including assisting the local police authorities as well as rescuing victims out of the lifestyle and re-integrating them back into society fully reformed and restored.
What we have achieved & what IS OUR PLAN
Laying a foundation of presence since 2008 as "The Church of LIFE" providing a Non-Denominational Worship Service / Bible Study in the I-Drive Area for visitors, hospitality industry members, and called locals.
In 2008 we also started I Drive Chaplain which provides corporate chaplain services with our faithful partners Congo River Golf and Hollywood Drive-In Golf.
In 2012 we started Kiddie LIFE which provides affordable childcare and preschool services to the I-Drive Hospitality Industry.
Covered the I-Drive Area in prayer since 2008 via prayer walks, evangelistic efforts, and varieties of activities.
In 2015 we officially founded I-Drive Ministries as an umbrella 501C3 Non-Profit.
In 2018 we decided to re-engineer all sub-ministries to be of one accord. We renamed the church and preschool to I Drive Church, and I Drive Preschool
We re-visioned, re-missioned, and re-focused all ministries to accomplish our new callings
We are currently looking for a permanent HOME for our HQ, School, and Church so that we can continue to best serve the business community we have been sent to and to serve as an example of a model to be used in High Tourist Areas World-Wide, thus accomplishing our overall mission.
“And he gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the shepherds and teachers, to equip the saints for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ, until we all attain to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to mature manhood, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ...”